Sunday, November 29, 2009

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

My sister and some friends think I'm getting to old to have such long hair. I'm 41, but most people think I look 30. I'm tall and feel having long hair balances me out. Plus I get so many compliments on how pretty it is. I think my sister and friends are jealous. I really dont want to cut it. I hate having short hair. its so thick and wavy and will just curl if I cut it, making it harder to do anything with. Whats the public opinion.

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

DONT cut it thats pretty

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

cut it off cut it all of!

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

At that age I thik you should cut it to a bit longer than shoulder length.

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

well in your avatar u r pretty, so i would keep it or maybe cut of a foot

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

I'm not a fan of long, long hair, but it's your head. Wear it however you like it.

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

i think its so pretty for a tall woman to have long flowy hair, and yes i think your sis and friends are jealous.... dont cut your hair cause you will regret it!

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

Waist length looks like the hair is not managed...not cared for...its a turn should trim it to mid back....i think the hair must be falling everywhere..i hate it in public when i see hair like that...i don't want to get near the person with hair like that

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

Your hair, your choice. Don't let others tell you what to do.

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

Do whatever makes you happy. Tell them thanks for the idea but your not interested so they should just mind there own business.

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

You don;t need to cut it short! But having such long hair is unhealthy (speaking from experience!). Look at the ends - they are probably dead and split. So how about compromising, and cutting it so it goes halfway down your back? Everybody would still classify you as "long hair", and if it's pretty it will still be pretty, just healthier. And you could have it styled....

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

I wouldn't cut it off if I were you because short hair only makes you look taller. I would keep the long hair and just style it in different ways so that your not always seen with the same look. Good luck! = )

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

Keep it long if that is how you feel best. Why listen to others? If you want, you can put it up! I never had waist length hair, but it was pretty long and a few years back I cut it very short for a change. It made me look like someone I didn't know! Sometimes I liked it, but it wasn't me. For the first time I started to feel my age when I looked at myself--late 30's.

Just make sure you keep the ends trimmed nicely so they don't look thin and so you don't have that dried out straw look at the ends.

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

people are lying to you when they say you look 30. It's gross. CUT IT.

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

I dont' like women with guy short hair because you look like a boy. Shoulder length is good for women. I'll also don't like long hair either. Just my opinion. Too long is ratty

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

cut it off i think it would look better

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

I think you should cut it up to your shoulders and layer it.

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

You are beautiful,and are fortunate to have such lovely hair to go along with it.Keep it long.God Bless.

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

u should get ur hair perminitly staright it will look faboulas!! and cut it to ur shoulder lenght trust me on this u will love it! trust me!! i am a hair stylist so i think i no but u wil love ur hair staright u can get it done in san fransico u can also look on the web for permint straighting hair anyways i probably mis spelled words but i am in rush! remember trust me on this!!

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

I would consider cutting it (don't just cut it donate it to locks of love). Your is so long you could still have a shoulder length style after donating. Going short would be too drastic for you all of a sudden. This way you can try a shorter style without making a huge commitment, you can also decide from there if in a few months you want it to be shorter. You can always ask for more to be taken off but it takes longer to grow it out.

Getting some style to it is important rather than just having long hair.

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

it just depends on how you feel about yourself. if you wear your hair long does it look as if you take care of it or does it look as if it needs help. long is is very attractive especially if you take care of it.

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

dont you dare cut it

to many girls/women cut their hair looks to boyish when they do

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

I think you should do what you like. If you really like you hair long leave it. If you think you would like a change then maybe cut off 6 in or so. It won't take long to grow back if you don't like it. I have a friend who grows her hair to her waist and then cuts16 inches for locks of love every 3 years or so.

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

If you don't mind all the time and energy required to take care of it,,by all means,,keep it! ;-)=

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

Wow, you're very lucky to have such beautiful hair! Why not cut some and donate it to locks of love? They don't accept colored hair, and naturally blond hair, though common in children, is so rare in adults. The minimum donation is only, 10" so you wouldn't have to go super short, and you could start growing it again right away.

No one will heckle you over long hair if they know you're growing it for a good cause.

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

you should cut it an inch and a half below the shoulder.

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

Don't cut it off just because your sister and friends tell you to. If you like your hair, and keep it healthy then don't cut it. If you decided to cut it I would say only about 6 or 7 inches, so you still have the length but it may be more managable

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

You are gorgeous*. I agree with you and I would personally prefer your beautiful hair the way it is now* If you cut it I will be disappointed*.. I love it *...

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

If you do decide to cut your hair there are places that will take the cut hair and use for wigs. The wigs are then used for Cancer patients. Might be something to think about if you do part with it.

There might be some place in your area that you can get in contact with about donating it. At least you would be doing it for a good cause and helping others in return.

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

yes i think you should...not that i think ur too old..i just think u shud coz your tall and tall women looks really good with short hair..

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

i have the same hair but iam not as tall i have been debating on cutting mine and have many people giving me opinion personally i sick of thier opinions. i keep mine trimed at all times and make sure to use good conditioners and it is healthy, if i did get a hair cut i was thinking a little below the bra and layered around the face but not too short because it is naturally curly and don't want to look like a clown, anyway if you do decide to cut go to a salon that donates to locks 4 love if the salon doesn't you can go to thier website and get all the info on how to mail it in. Good luck in whatever you decide and remember most guys love long hair and it's usually the women that say you should get it cut.

I'm 5'10 and have waist length, natural blond, wavy hair , Should I cut it?

no keep it, long hair looks great on girls of all ages except when you get over 60 and it gets gray. as i guy i can tell you we like girls with long hair.

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