Sunday, November 29, 2009

What is all the fuss about Hair, even in this day and age?

When I was young I had hippie parents so I had long hair. Then I went to boarding school and they would cut it all off because it was too long. But when I arrived home I would be laughed at with my short hair. I got pissed off and decided to rebel. I would delibrately grow my hair longer at school to piss them off, and fight them when they tried to cut it but just before I went home for holidays I made sure they cut off my hair so I could piss of the silly hippies! Even now at the age of 46 if I grow my hair its too long, and if I shave it off its too short! What's all this fuss about hair? I can understand it if my gf says she likes it a certain way I will do it for her, but why should it matter to other people? Am I a Hypocrite if I complain about people who complain about my hair, but then I tell my gf I dont like her hairy legs?

What is all the fuss about Hair, even in this day and age?

It all comes down to our society. Hair is this or that, too this or that, or blah. I'm with you, personally, I keep my hair the way I WANT and couldn't care less about how other people feel about it. Besides, "What other people feel about me is none of my business."

The hairy legs also stems from our society. In Europe, this is not uncommon, and if you lived there your entire life, you wouldn't think twice about a girl with hairy legs. I wouldn't necessarily call you a hypocrite, but you haven't proved you aren't one either by that statement, if you get my drift.

What is all the fuss about Hair, even in this day and age?

When i met my ex-boyf he was clean shaved and had cropped hair. He then gradually got hairier and hairier. First he grew his hair, then he liked the stubble look and bought a trimmer. Then he just stopped trimming altogether and grew a beard.

People would always tell him ''cut your hair!'' and like you, it made him keep it for longer than he probably would have.

I didn't care, i loved him all the same.

We've broken up now but i went for a drink with him before Christmas and his hair was on his shoulders.

Credit due though, women always say to him, ''i wish i had your hair.'' It's really curly without being frizzy. Women love it!

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