Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I have an oblong head, dirty blonde hair and I want side bangs...?

Dirty blonde hair, which is currently long I want side bangs like this: http://evilbeetgossip.film.com/wp-conten...

or maybe a little longer, do you think this would look good?

And if not what hair cuts do you recommend, because my head looks very big with my long flat, straight hair

I have an oblong head, dirty blonde hair and I want side bangs...?

anyone and everyone can pull this hairstyle off.

whatever go for it, you'll look like every other person on this planet.

I have an oblong head, dirty blonde hair and I want side bangs...?

I would like to see a picture of you but....I think the hairstyle is very very pretty. Try it, how can you go wrong?

I have an oblong head, dirty blonde hair and I want side bangs...?

It all depends on what your hair is like now C:

if your hair is flat, you can always try teasing it, poofing it, curling it, or layering it.

if that doesnt work then you can go for side bangs. just remember not to have them too short, they are pretty hard to grow out, and sometimes they can make your hair look even more flat.

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