Sunday, June 20, 2010

Long hair ...?

I'm 17. My hair goes past my knees, it's blonde, natural. I guess I like it, but it gets in the way a lot and is hard to take care of. Should I cut it? If so, what style should I get?

Long hair ...?

You want to make a grown man cry when you talk about cutting your beautiful hair.Look at Crystal Gayle,I am sure you think she is beautiful.Maybe you could model your hair. That way maybe you could get an extra benefit from it.

But if you do cut it call the American Cancer Society,they make wigs for those women in cancer treatment.

Long hair ...?

I am glad you decided not to cut it.There for a minute I was going to have to sing;And don't it make my brown eyes blue.LOL

And Thank-you for choosing my answer. Report It

Long hair ...?

if you do decide to cu it, donate it to locks of love

Long hair ...?

buy some hair magazines and have a free consultation with a proffesional. dont rush into it

Long hair ...?

cut it but not super short get it like paris hiltons.

Long hair ...?

If it bothers you, cut it, but you don't have to cut it all off. Right now my hair is about to the middle of my back and I get compliments too, people say it's not too long or too short. If you don't really want to cut it, I guess you could braid it or wear it in buns. I don't know, I think having it past your knees is kind of a pain. If you get it cut, ask your hairstylists for tips on how long it is, ask her for suggestions on the style. I personally like it when it's layered.

Long hair ...?

cut some inches off then give it 2 cancer patients

Long hair ...?

I would cut it in stages... just to avoid the shock. I had long hair I could sit on, and cut it shoulder length in one sitting. I actually cried. I did donate to locks of love, which helped... But still... a big change. The first link below is rather neat - it helps you determine what hairstyle will work best with your face.

Long hair ...?

It would still look pretty if it went more like to your waist...and wouldn't be too traumatic for you and would probably be easier to take care of!

Long hair ...?

If you do cut it, donate it to the locks of love, and for style. Go to a professional. i can give you some sort of tip tho...if your face is oval, any hair cut will look cute same with Heart shaped, if your face is round give yourself layers around the chin, if your hair is square then go for layered shoulder length, But good luck with watever you do.....

Long hair ...?

no mty hair is that long too except its brown you are very lucky dont cut it maybe get a trim but thats it.get some highlights ,or a perm or something new.

if you do decide to cut it,dont do something very drastic or you may end up regretting it.

oh,and try wearing it in a fishtail braid if it gets in your way-it looks sooo good on blond hair.or maybe just a plain bun.we long haired people are lucky cause we can do so many things with our hair!

i suggest washing with pantene or nexxus maybe something for sleeker hair.butn yah,try a fishtail braid.

good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean it!

Long hair ...?

if u cut it locks for love is a good donation organization

i have long hair too, and if u keep it long, u will ahve bad split ends that could go all the way up to ur scalp and cause early hair loss

for style... i say go with long layers maybe with some bangs

Long hair ...?

You should definatly donate to locks of love. Depending on what you look like, you could try shoulder-length with layers.

Long hair ...?

you're very lucky you were able to get your hair that long-if it was me, i'd keep the length (just because i love my long hair) but if it's too much maintenance and you feel it's too heavy , then you might want to go shorter-but it's totally your choice alone.

Long hair ...?

I say keep some length but just to below shoulders and a one length or long layers style. I agree with donating the cut hair...

Long hair ...?

PAST your KNEES??? I think it would be plenty more convienint for you if you cut it. Trim the ends to keep it even, then braid your hair, cut it, and donate it to Lock for Love. If you're not sure what style you should cut it yet, just cut it so it just about 5 inches past your shoulders. Then later, if you have a style in mind, cut it the way you want. Or you can just leave it just past your shoulders. You're hair seems gorgeous, good luck!

Long hair ...?

Cut it off little at a time until you find a length that you like. You want some one that knows how to cut long hair too!

It's a big shock to cut it off all at once!

Long hair ...?

Hec no! Don't cut your hair. You know how much I want my hair as long as your?

Long hair ...?

Cut it, donate it to locks of love and get it like mid-back.

Long hair ...?

Something doesn't sound right. It takes a long time and care for hair to grow that long. It's rare that someone would be so patient for growth and then all of a sudden says she wants to cut it.

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