Friday, June 18, 2010

How should I get my hair dyed?

I'm getting my hair cut and dyed tomorrow and I'm trying to grow it out (it's almost to my shoulders now), so I just want a trim and some long layers. My hair's currently a dark reddish-brown and I want to dye it brown with some blonde in it because everyone says that's when it looked best, but I've also been told it looks good dark brown. I don't know how easy it will be to go blonde/have some blonde put in if I have red in my hair though. Any tips/suggestions?


How should I get my hair dyed?




... Like mine!! xD

How should I get my hair dyed?

Well wht do you think...what colour do you prefer?...and whn you dye your hair make sure it doesnt go near your might damage your scalp (:

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